Film Company Idents


What are film idents? Film studios produce their own animations to insert at the beginnings of film openings. Idents are short video/visual images that film companies use to identify themselves. Purposes of film idents >A form of branding >Creates a unique image for the film company >Sticks in minds of audience >Memorable animations >Identifying which company the film is made by >Means the audience remembers film company and want to see more films by the same company if they enjoy it Examples 1.'Scott Pilgrim vs. the world' is a teen/romantic/comedy film. It is featured around ideas of video games, technology and comic books. Therefore, this film ident is 8-bit graphics and sound which reflects the films inspirations of video games. 2. 'Working Title' has made romantic comedies such as 'About Time', 'I Give It A Year', 'Wimbledon', 'Bridget Jones', 'Notting Hill' and more. Their film ident is recognisable to us as it is original. It is eye-catching yet simple and stylish with the drawing then the rotating animation. 3. 'Universal Pictures' has made romantic comedies such as 'The Five-Year Engagement', 'Pitch Perfect' and 'Leap Year'. It's ident is easily recognisable and well know internationally as they are responsible for so many major motion pictures. Their trademark globe and music is unique to them and is perfect branding as it is unforgettable. 4. 'StudioCanal' is partly responsible for romantic comedies like 'Love Actually', 'Love, Rosie' and 'Bridget Jones The Edge Of Reason'. This is also a unique and memorable ident. It's colours and music are attention grabbing.

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