Interview To My Psychographic


I interviewed three of my classmates, all females aged 16, so they are in my demographic and psychographic. My questions: 1) What is your favourite film genre to watch? 2) In the first two minutes, what makes you keep watching a film? 3) In the first two minutes, what makes you stop watching a film? 4) What's your favourite website? 5) How much time do you spend on the Internet a day? 6) Would you like to see a film where the main character is homosexual? 7) Do you often read magazines? I will use these interviews to help guide me as to who I am creating my film opening for. I will bear in mind their responses to questions two and three when I create my film opening. I will make sure I do the things they mentioned their answers to question two and I will avoid the things they said in their answers to question three. I will also bear in mind the internet and magazines, on which I would advertise my movie on.

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