Initial analysis of preliminary task


What I think went well: Reflecting on my preliminary task, the first technique I used was match on action, which I think was successful and fit well. I was also happy with my music as it created an atmosphere which fit my idea of a therapist session. But, my shot/reverse shot was quite fast changing because the lines were very short. Therefore, if I could do my filming again, I would rewrite the script to make the lines longer and therefore make the cuts flow better. Also in the final piece of dialogue there is a lot of background noise within the room, which lessens the dramatic effect. I think that overall a lot of improvements could be made to my video, and, following further feedback, I will remember my mistakes and make sure I don't make them again in future videos. Furthermore, my panning shot of the patient walking across the room was a bit slow, so if I did it again I'd ask her to walk a bit more slowly. I also did not followe the one hundred and eight degree rule as I have struggled to fully understand this concept. I crossed the line, breaking the 180 degree rule. Overall, I am happy that I managed to complete this task, although it has its faults.

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