Preliminary exercise on continuity editing storyboard and script


My preliminary exercise will involve a therapist and their patient meeting in the therapist's office. I will include the three camera shots I researched in my last blog post; match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule. I have attached my rough storyboard to this post as well as my script. Shot one to two is match on action. Shot three, four and five are shot/ reverse shot. All shots should be filmed maintaining the 180 degree rule. Script: Shot three- therapist: hello Patient: hello Therapist: how are you doing? Patient: I've been better. Shot four- therapist: what's happened? Shot five- patient: a lot (starts crying) Shot six- therapist: it will be okay (puts hand on patients shoulder) Shot seven- therapist: so let's get started. My storyboard:

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